Student Handbook
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Welcome to the Student Handbook - this is a valuable resource for all students and particularly useful if you have recently joined the University. The Handbook is designed to help you find out more about facilities, procedures, policies and sources of help at the University. You'll find information on everything from council tax to counselling and from module selection to media services.
Use the drop-down menu or the search box to find what you need. You'll find links to more detailed information and additional resources, many of which are on the student intranet (Moodle) and University help pages ( Try the word search box, especially if you're not sure where to look. For example, typing-in "finance" will give you entries for Finance, Student Loans, Student Money Advice Service and so on.
To get the best out of the Online Handbook you'll need to make sure you have activated your IT account, not just to access many of the links, but also because the student intranet (Moodle) is the University's integrated, web-based portal and is fundamental to your participation on your course. The student intranet (Moodle) includes access to your timetables and personal course details via ChiView. It is also the platform for the official University email system and both the Library catalogue and the electronic library resources.
Where possible we have given contact details of staff who can help - don't hesitate to get in contact - they can often quickly give you the information you need. Also, remember that your Academic Adviser is there to support you as well so keep in touch as they are an important source of information and advice.
We welcome your feedback and comments. Please email any suggestions to:
Dave Corcoran - Director of Students, Support and Information Systems